1998 Reebok North/South Boys All-Star Teams

Bluffton Lineups

North Team

Name Ht Position School College
Josh Ashbaugh 6-3 F Woodlan Undecided Adam Ballinger 6-9 C Bluffton Michigan State Andrae Betts 5-8 G Marion Undecided Eric Bush 5-7 G Anderson Illinois State Herman Fowler 6-3 F Kokomo Undecided Len Matela 6-9 C Andrean Bowling Green Duane Miller 6-5 F Anderson Undecided David Porter 6-5 F Alexandria Huntington Greg Tonagel 6-3 G LaPorte Valparaiso Brian Wray 6-1 G Plymouth Undecided Coaches: Wayne Barker, Bluffton and Ron Hecklinski, Anderson

South Team

Name Ht Position School College
John Allison 6-11 C New Palestine Purdue Jon Fancher 6-4 F Martinsville Undecided Ryan Hupfer 6-7 F Pendleton Heights Indianapolis Patrick Jackson 5-10 G Delta Ball State Djibril Kante 6-7 C Bloomington North Indiana State Rob Kent 5-10 G Jennings County Indianapolis Clint Keown 6-2 G E'ville Memorial Evansville Ryan Kerns 6-5 F North Knox Undecided Brandon Miller 6-0 G New Castle SW Missouri State Adam Seitz 6-3 F Pike Central Evansville Coach: Tom McKinney, Bloomington North

Martinsville Lineups

North Team

Name Ht Position School College
Andy Abernathy 6-6 F Carmel Pacific Matt Abernathy 6-6 F Carmel Pacific Adam Ballinger 6-9 C Bluffton Michigan State Lincoln Glass 5-11 G South Bend Clay Undecided Rylan Hainje 6-6 F Indy Cathedral Butler Tyson Jones 5-10 G Anderson Undecided Sean Lewis 6-7 C Lebanon Undecided Josh Murray 6-6 F North Central Ball State Andy Williamson 6-5 G Hamilton Heights Indiana State Craig Zeigler 6-3 G Muncie Central Undecided Coach: Wayne Barker, Bluffton

South Team

Name Ht Position School College
John Allison 6-11 C New Palestine Purdue Jon Fancher 6-4 F Martinsville Undecided Charles Hedde 6-8 C Vincennes Lincoln Evansville Rob Kent 5-10 G Jennings County Indianapolis Clint Keown 6-2 G Evans. Memorial Evansville Isaac Kincaid 6-3 G Pike Undecided Maynard Lewis 6-1 G Terre Haute South Purdue T.J. Ott 6-5 F New Palestine Undecided Rodney Smith 6-7 F Pike Purdue Michael Whitted 6-3 F Franklin Undecided Coach Tim Wolf, Martinsville (College choices are valid as of April 1, 1998.)

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