Definition: 1. The bars attatched to a football helmet that cover a players face. 2. A foul for grabbing an opponent's face mask.
Examples: There are two levels of severity for face mask penalties. 1. One results from incidental grabbing of a face mask where it is immediately released, and results in a five-yard penalty. 2. The second, A major face mask foul usually results from a player grabbing an opponent by the face mask and using it to pull the player down or twist his head around and results in a 15-yard penalty and an automatic first down.
Photo Examples: The photo link below resulted in a 15-yard penalty on Purdue, but is an obvious example that the officials in question had no clue. Photo Example
Officials: Referee: Dennis Lipski; Umpire: Carl Britt; Linesman: Bob Bassett; Line judge: Tom Krispinsky; Back judge: M. Brown Jr.; Field judge: Henry Zaborniak; Side judge: Steve Hassel;
Note: If your school allows the head referee to call out the infraction over the public address system. Referee Dennis Lipski likes to hear his voice over the PA system, and with the help of his crew, will throw down 6-10 flags during the game, that he will announce as no penalty.
The positive side of this officiating fiasco is that the obvious officiating mistakes did not affect the outcome of the game, but they provided some very humorous distractions.
If you see these officials listed to cover your favorite team, do not expect a smoothly officiated game. You will see what I mean, once the game starts.
Brad Jewell
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