Let's catch up on some of the rumored prospects that have signed so far during the early period...
Corey Maggette will be going to Duke. He was down to Duke and the Illini, but when Dane Fife chose Indiana, it opened the door for Maggette to play for Duke. Fife reportedly talked a lot of trash (who doesn't?) to Maggette at last summers Nike camp, and I guess Maggette would rather not even play in the same conference with him now.
Charles Kage, one of those players that have you on their list but you never hear much about Purdue recruiting them, has announced for Eastern Michigan.
A couple of junior college kids rumored to be candidates for Purdue by a few sites are not likely candidates for Purdue at all. 6'9 Marquette Alexander of San Francisco CC is down to Indiana, Kansas State, Cincy, Rhode Island and Fresno State. However, he will not finish his coursework at SFCC until next December, but has said he will know in the spring where he wants to sign. Also, junior college all-american candidate Shawn Marion will be going to UNLV.
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